SquashLevels is delighted to be partnering with Squash Australia (SqA) with SquashLevels premium membership becoming a valuable addition to SqA membership benefits. This new offering provides SqA members with unparalleled access to the SquashLevels platform, joining a global community with global ratings endorsed by the World Squash Federation (WSF) , along with a range of additional features designed to enhance their squash experience.
Depending on their SqA membership level, Squash Australia members will now have the opportunity to leverage a host of exclusive features offered through SquashLevels premium membership packages.
SqA Compete members will benefit from full access to SquashLevels top tier Platinum membership, SqA Local members will benefit from full access to SquashLevels Gold membership, and SqA Lifestyle members will benefit from an enhanced National Governing Body (NGB) membership.
The premium SquashLevels membership packages are set to revolutionise the way SqA players engage with the sport by offering a comprehensive suite of tools and features to help analyse performance, track progress, and gain valuable insights to improve their game.
Key features available to SqA members through SquashLevels premium membership include:
Match and Level History: Platinum membership gives access to the full match history and level history of anyone within the SquashLevels platform, Gold membership grants access to the most recent 5 years worth of data for anyone in the platform, while NGB members will receive their most recent three results alongside the most recent result of other players within the platform.

Head-to-Head Analysis: SquashLevels Platinum and Gold membership provides players with the ability to analyse head-to-head historical charts, match statistics and even score predictions against opponents.
What-If Levels Prediction: With this unique feature, Platinum members can predict how potential score lines would impact on their SquashLevels ranking.
Match Review: Platinum members have the ability to review matches in detail, including level change explanations. Players can delve into match statistics, identify areas for improvement, and can provide in-depth feedback for their own records and development.
SquashSkills Coaching Videos: From our SquashLevels partnership with SquashSkills, players are able to access free, level-appropriate, coaching videos based upon their last match. A drop-down menu is available giving different skills to work on, and by selecting the skill you most want to improve a level-appropriate coaching video will be delivered via YouTube. This feature is available to all members, on their most recent match provided this was within the last 7 days.
By introducing SquashLevels premium membership benefits Squash Australia will empower its members with advanced tools and resources, fostering a stronger, more engaged and more competitive squash community. This exciting development demonstrates SqA’s commitment to leveraging technology to enhance the playing experience and promote growth within the sport.
Access to SquashLevels is just another reason to register on MySquashAUS.
Squash Australia is Raising the Game – if you haven’t registered yet, it’s time to get on board.
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